Thursday, May 31, 2012

Oh, That Explains It [Me]

I've been meaning to tell you that I read your blog in its entirety. I am proud of you that you have figured out a way to really learn to live with something that would have other people completely like "waaaaaat!" In some ways, it is unsurprising, like, it makes sense. I can't put my finger on an exact time that this happened but there were times even way back in the day that I wondered if you could possibly be the same person.

I recently got this in a facebook message from someone that I worked with over ten years ago. And the part that gets me the most? "It makes sense." Another past coworker, when I told her, said, "Oh, that explains some things." And my daughter, when I told her, immediately pointed out a time when Rubi had been out around her.

This both comforts me and concerns me when it happens. Comfort, because it means I'm not making this all up. Yes, I still feel sometimes that I'm just pretending to have multiple personalities; it's not real. Maybe I'm just seeking attention, trying to make something about me special. And then I switch and there is no doubt in my mind that I am no longer in control. But to see that other people have seen it, even before I was doing it 'on purpose', reassures me.

Concern, because if I've been that 'off' all my adult life, why did it take me until my mid-thirties to realize it? How could I get this far while being that crazy? And have 'I' done things while someone else was fronting that I'm not aware of? I pride myself in the level of my self-introspection. I would say that I know myself(myselves) very, very well. But maybe I'm wrong on that, if I don't realize when and where a personality has 'slipped' out in the past.

There are no answers to either the concern or the comfort; they are just there. But I'm so terribly glad that I can be out to everyone (except at work or with my parents) without feeling condemned or unwanted. Thank you, my friends.

1 comment:

  1. I think it takes a really long time for ANYONE to get to know who they are, much less when there are several of themselves to get to know. And you are one of the least crazy people I know, multiplicity and all. We're ALL a little crazy, anyway.
