Saturday, January 14, 2012

We Amuse Ourself [Me]

from youmightbeamultipleif:
At first, when the diagnoses of DID came into play, I was angry that there were other people there and I just wanted them gone. Then after a while, I realized how much they'd done for me, what they've given and given up. I realized that theirs were the voices I would hear cheering me on when no one else in the whole world knew I needed it.

Oh, doesn't that just say it. My alters are my best friends. They are like those buddies who come over to hang out and never go home. And sometimes you wish they would go home, but then you just go hide in your room for a while. And they take care of things, take care of themselves. And when you miss them and come back out, there they are, happy to see you and include you in whatever they are doing.

And then she recounts an argument over the purchase of a coffee pot when she accidentally bought the wrong (cheaper) one:

SO, the reasoning began, "Well you don't drink much coffee at home anyway since there's an unlimited pot at the office and it's way cheaper - this one will do" ANother said, "NO, Don't settle, get the one you want. This one is not it, get off your lazy a** and do it, get the one you really wanted in the first place. " Another, "Who cares? It's a coffee pot" Another, "Hello?!? Coffee is serious business, we can't have just ANY coffee pot, it should be the right one and it should match the rest of the appliances." Another, "You're too lazy to get it, just be happy with what you got" Another, "You shouldn't have spent the money, you should bring it back, what about the curtains?"Another, "Yes I agree"Another, "Coffee?? icky, why would anyone wanna drink that stuff?" Another, "Mmmmm I want coffee now!"and on and on and on it went - sometimes I just have to giggle at everyone, they make me laugh. 
It's funny because it's true. Everyone has an opinion. And expresses it. And if I remember to decide to find it entertaining, it really really is.

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