Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Do I Get Started? (Me)

I'm not really sure how to get started on this blogging process. In a way I feel like I really need to have done this from the beginning, or it's not going to make sense. And it may not. The first bunch of posts may be wildly out of order and hard to understand, as I sort myself out.

But I was reading back through the blogs from Poly Mom, and it got me to thinking. She said in her profile, "Having found precious little to connect me with the experiences of others who are polyamorous moms, I decided to start my Poly Mom blog. I am documenting my experiences as I raise my family, and as I interact with others who may or may not be supportive of our choices. I hope to find people who can relate to me online, since so few people understand polyamory in real life."

I get that. My lifestyle is... unique (just like everyone else's). Blogging my experience may help me sort through things in my own mind. And just maybe it will help someone else. Maybe it will be of interest to someone who is discovering that they are multi, or that someone they care about is. Or it may be of academic interest to someone. I'm open to answering questions, certainly. Mostly I expect to use this blog to do some thinking out loud. Save my friends from having to listen to my long self-dissections.

I'm sure I won't be sticking to just the topic of being multiple. We're also kinky, and we lean toward being polyamorous. All these things overlap and affect each other. I may post several times in a day, or I might go weeks without. I'll try to hold myself to a minimum of once a week. A warning about pronouns... I/me/my could refer to just Me, the main/core personality, or could refer to the collective group of us. We/us/our would be for two or more of us, not just an individual personality. And some of the other personalities may choose to post from time to time - we'll try to assign a name in the title of each post, I think. So, I've put (Me) in this title, and will sign off for now. Tomorrow, introductions to the crowd!

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