Saturday, December 10, 2011

Reading Along With Us [Me]

Okay, my blogs to follow are back today - some days they are there, some days they aren't. Today, they are, so I'm going to start reading a blog called "Living with Multiple Personalities." Before I get to the blog itself, there's a link to this page - - that likens a multiple system to an office arrangement with cubicles. I'm liking it already.

It's a pretty good analogy. Please feel free to refer to it. I would draw in a little break room where one or a couple of alters could go to complete separate themselves from the rest and be unaware of what's happening in the office - unavailable, too.

They make a distinction between being co-conscious and being blended. Co-conscious meaning some thoughts and memories are shared between two alters, but both are conscious as to what belongs to whom. Blended meaning that they are overlapping a lot, sharing most thoughts and emotions and control at the time, with only a little distinction between the two. My system tends to be very blended a lot of the time. Sometimes I'm not sure who said or thought or did something until I focus on the 'flavor' of the thoughts happening. Then I can usually tell who's responsible.

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