Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Well, We Thought It Was Funny (Me)

Yes, my daughter is a cool person. Still haven't discussed the multiple personality situation with her, and I'm thinking I probably won't at this point. It just doesn't appear to be necessary. However, if it comes up, I'm less worried about how she'll take it.

So we (internally) had a good laugh the other day I want to share. My daughter, my guy, and I all went to the sub shop for sandwiches. The kid ordered first, then ran to the bathroom while hers was being made. My guy ordered two sandwiches - different bread, different meat, different toppings - and I ordered my usual. As the toppings are being put on all four sandwiches, my daughter comes back from the bathroom.

I could see her counting sandwiches - one, two, three, four - and noting that they were four different sandwiches - for the three of us. Then she looks questioningly at me and asks, "Are we getting a sandwich for someone else?"

Before I can answer, my guy pipes up with, "No, the extra one is for my multiple personality."

And without missing a beat, she couters with, "Oh, well tell Juan I said hello."

Beat. Beat. I can almost audibly hear the conversation inside my head - /Did you hear what he said? And what she said?/ And I/we burst out laughing in the sub shop. My daughter was halfway to the door by the time the guffaw hit. And my guy was just looking at me with an evil grin, waiting to see if I would react.

So, yeah, we thought it was funny. I've told the story to a few other people who thought it mildly amusing at best. But trust me, it was hilarious.

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